
Being a mom is the hardest thing I've ever done, but it has brought me so much joy! I want to encourage other moms on their journey, I'll share motherhood tricks, spotlight tips I've learned from friends, and I hope you will share your ideas. I will focus on secrets that help families stay balanced, healthy, frugal, creative, and closely knit. I will also share favorite fiction and nonfiction books that I have enjoyed. Many blessings to you on your mothering journey!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Loving Friends Well

A mommy friend blessed my socks off today. In Bible study last week, I shared that this pregnancy was particularly tiring, as I chase 2 other children around all day. My friend called me that afternoon, and said, "I've been waiting for you to say that - I'd love to bring you a meal, so you can have a little break." She brought us dinner tonight, and I was so blessed with yummy food and no time standing on my feet in the kitchen.

Friends often cook for one another upon the arrival of a baby, a death, or a family disaster. But how often do we really listen to one another's needs during the 'normal' days, and offer to help? It might be a meal for a tired mom, it might be babysitting for a couple that really needs some date time, it might be dropping coffee by to brighten someone's morning, or it might be leaving some of your garden flowers/vegetables at someone's doorstep.

I'm going to watch for more ways to practically share love with my friends and neighbors. How can you brighten someone's day or lighten their load this week?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I completely agree. I tried to get this sort of "ministry" started many years ago through YABS and on the ministry team through church. I know there were times when friends just needed a helping hand, be it expecting company and overwhelmed with task of the house, a overgrown yard, etc. We try to help friends and family through 'normal' days - and thus why I offer my main gift - child care - to friends who need a break. There were days when we first moved that I thought "if I could get just a few people that would offer to help us unbox items it wouldn't be so bad and so tiring."
There are so many things we can all offer one another. Your ideas are great. Coffee in morning is GREAT!-
-See a neighbor with an overgrown yard and know they work a lot - cut it as a gift (my mom does this for her neighbors)
-Going to the store - offer a ride to your neighbor or ask if you can pick up something for them. Sometimes it's just a carton of milk they haven't been able to go get.
-have the kids color pictures for friends and family and send out through the mail. It will make someone's day!


10:55 AM  

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