
Being a mom is the hardest thing I've ever done, but it has brought me so much joy! I want to encourage other moms on their journey, I'll share motherhood tricks, spotlight tips I've learned from friends, and I hope you will share your ideas. I will focus on secrets that help families stay balanced, healthy, frugal, creative, and closely knit. I will also share favorite fiction and nonfiction books that I have enjoyed. Many blessings to you on your mothering journey!

Monday, May 21, 2007

Road Trips

We just returned from a long weekend at the beach with our church community group. We had such a wonderful time!!! Needless to say, the most challenging part of the trip was the 8-hour drive to and from Sea Grove, FL. I spent much time pondering the advice from Trophy of God's Grace's series on car travels. I only have 3 kids - I can't imagine travelling with her dozen! Here are her links with lots of travelling wisdom:

Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four

The super-hardest part of the trip was helping my 2-year old cope with the stomach bug. Best tips (though I hope you never travel with sick kids!):
* cover the carseat with a sheet or towel
* use baby wipes to keep the child's head, neck and arms cool
* keep a bucket or a restaurant take-out container to catch any vomit
* pick up Gatorade at a gas station, to give (mixed 1:6 parts) in little sips
* pray for patience and quick travels!

Good luck with your summer travels! And may you all stay healthy in the car!

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