
Being a mom is the hardest thing I've ever done, but it has brought me so much joy! I want to encourage other moms on their journey, I'll share motherhood tricks, spotlight tips I've learned from friends, and I hope you will share your ideas. I will focus on secrets that help families stay balanced, healthy, frugal, creative, and closely knit. I will also share favorite fiction and nonfiction books that I have enjoyed. Many blessings to you on your mothering journey!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Holiday Travel Tips

I love the opportunity to travel and stay with friends and family across the country. It's such a blessing to learn from other moms about the way they manage their homes, nurture their children, and love their husbands.

But sometimes having lots of families under the same roof means a noisy home! We usually travel with our noise machines, which are portable and incredibly practical. It is much easier to share a room with children when you don't hear all the little noises coming from everyone in the room, and you don't hear your neighbors who like to stay up through the wee morning hours. A noise machine with white noise helps us sleep more soundly, thus enjoying our visit much more!

But I've just discovered a new trick. If you have internet access, you can have an instant noisemaker. Iserenity offers many different options for background noise, including waterfalls, trains, windchimes, rainforests, birdsongs, a crackling fire, and even a typewriter!! It's fun to sort through their many options, and you never know when they might come in handy!



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