I enjoyed t
his book very much. It's a historical fiction account of Ruth from the Bible. The author builds a story around the truth we know from the Bible, and helps us get into the heart and mind of the main characters. It's quite creative and educational, as she paints a picture of two different cultures (Bethlehem and Moab) and religions during Ruth's life. It's the story of grief and healing, desolation and hope, friendship and isolation, faith in gods vs. the one true God.
I've never read a book by Jil Eileen Smith, but I'll be on the lookout for more novels from her, as I enjoyed her writing style. She does a very nice job building a fictional tale based on stories in the Bible and historical accounts. The story is part of the Daughters of the Promised Land series, but it is also a stand-alone story.
I would recommend this book to readers ages 17+. There is no sexually graphic material in the book, but there is talk about sacrificing babies to gods.
I received this book as a gift from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.