"Be intentional as you raise your children. Treat them like a garden - planting, watering and weeding."
Sally Clarkson
Labels: kids, purposeful living
Being a mom is the hardest thing I've ever done, but it has brought me so much joy! I want to encourage other moms on their journey, I'll share motherhood tricks, spotlight tips I've learned from friends, and I hope you will share your ideas. I will focus on secrets that help families stay balanced, healthy, frugal, creative, and closely knit. I will also share favorite fiction and nonfiction books that I have enjoyed. Many blessings to you on your mothering journey!
"Be intentional as you raise your children. Treat them like a garden - planting, watering and weeding."
Labels: kids, purposeful living
Lowes' Creative Ideas Magazine is full of fun and beautiful home decorating ideas! It's a free subscription, or you can view their online content here.
Labels: home and garden
We had 6 kiddos in the house this morning, all bustling with energy. One of the 6 year olds came bounding up to me, saying "It's sunny outside, let's have a scavenger hunt!". So I created a list for them, and they headed outside armed with binoculars and a pencil to check off items found. I thought I'd share it with you, in case you wanted some ideas for creating your own simple scavenger hunt!
Labels: games
Labels: creativity, family, purposeful living