Can a 4-year old write family rules?
My friend Kevin and his 4.5 year old daughter Caroline created their own set of family rules.
1. Always tell the truth
2. Do what your parents and people responsible for your care ask
3. Don't talk to strangers, but it's OK to say "hello" to everyone
4. Be nice to Jack
5. Keep practicing at your activities to get better
6. Have fun, try hard and help your teammates
7. No stinky tooties!
8. You get what you get and you don't pitch a fit
9. You need to try new things at least once
10. Always be polite
They numbered them, and memorized them together (they both have amazing memories!). So if they are struggling with a hard day at soccer practice, Kevin can whisper to Caroline, "Think about #6, and she'll remember to try hard, do her best and help her teammates.
I love that they wrote the rules together! I love that there's a simplicity and a silliness with the rules. And I love their quest to be a family of character. You can already see the impact their purposeful choices have had on her character, and she's growing into a beautiful young girl!
What are your family rules? How did you create your rules? How could you engage your children in crafting rules?

Labels: family, purposeful living