historical fiction from kim vogel sawyer

Kim Vogel Sawyer is about to release another historical fiction novel about mail order brides in the midwest in the late 1800s, and I was privileged to get an advanced copy. Titled "Beneath a Prairie Moon" this well-written novel promises a little bit of history, a little bit of love, a little bit of adventure, and a good number of laughs. It is a perfect light-hearted read with characters that readers will feel like they know. You'll taste the food at the restaurant, you'll see the dusty wagons, you'll feel the situations that the characters face, and you'll shake your head at some of the personalities in the book. Readers will appreciate the lessons the characters struggle through - forgiveness, loss, perfectionism, pride, shame, anger, fear, and finding a personal relationship with Christ. Though the book has several words of scripture, it never has a preachy tone.
I thought it was cute, and I look forward to sharing it with others. I would recommend this book to female readers age 15+.
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.