Think about how you have grown from the mentoring (either casually or formerly, either one-on-one or in small groups) from other people.
Think of how the world would be different if every child had at least 3 caring adults in their lives - 3 mentors to guide them in the ways of life. Research says "that mentors can play a powerful role in reducing drug abuse and youth violence while greatly enhancing a young person's prospects for leading a healthy and productive life."
Think of how different the world would be if every parent had a mentor. Someone to guide and encourage them through all the ups and downs of childrearing. I think it would greatly affect marriages, home life, attitudes, characters, and so many other aspects of society.
National Mentoring month is a time to remember the importance of mentoring, and a call for
individuals, businesses, government agencies, schools, faith communities and nonprofits to join together to assure brighter futures for our young people.
So I ask you a series of questions:
How are you impacting the lives of children this year?
How could you challenge your peers to more intentionally impact children this year?
How can you encourage other mothers in their journey of parenting?
Do your children have caring adults (beyond you) in their lives?
What can you do to help surround them with caring adults?
How can you be a caring influence on the kids that are in/out of your home each week?
Do you have other moms that are mentoring you? (face-to-face, on the phone, blogs, books... - I think they can all equip you to be a better mom)
For more information, visit

Labels: building community, kids, purposeful living